Start a path to savings on insurance


ClaimLinx helps businesses cut costs on their health plan without changing benefits. As a combination consultant, insurance agency and third party administrator, we use an alternate strategy for purchasing insurance that works for everyone.

How Small Businesses Save

ClaimLinx combines the best of traditional insurance with a self-funded plan. It cuts costs without changing a company’s benefits. We call it the Simple Option Solution.

Step 1: Make a change

First, ClaimLinx helps you choose a high deductible insurance plan either with a major carrier. We shop for the best rates and provide the company with the best options. Moreover, this plan provides:

  • Wide physician and facility network
  • Discounts on office visits and procedures
  • Stop loss in case an employee has high medical costs

Step 2: Keep your benefits

Then, ClaimLinx combines this plan with a self-funded Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan (MERP) administered through ClaimLinx. This plan is custom to the each client. Additionally, this part of the plan provides:

  • Customized copays and deductible
  • Real data on employee usage
  • Tax benefits of self-funding your medical plan

Why it works

The ClaimLinx Solution saves companies thousands on health insurance. Combining these two types of plans creates a seamless benefits package.

What’s more, your employees will love it, and you will love the price. On average, our customers save 20% or more in the first year. Then, we continue this savings trend year after year. Each year, we take a look at your company’s budget and needs and adjust your plan accordingly. Our service is personal to you and your company.

Finally, we know how important it is that your employees have the benefits they need without busting your company budget. It’s a challenge for all business, but we have a unique solution you won’t find anywhere else. So let us guide you on a path to a new type of plan.

ClaimLinx Portal Billing Folders

ClaimLinx Billing Documents Now in Employer Portal

As of May 2023, ClaimLinx is making an exciting change to how clients receive documents associated with invoices. Some administrators may have already noticed steps in this transition.

From now on, all documents associated with invoices will be uploaded into the ClaimLinx Employer Portal, instead of being attached as invoices. That includes the Claims by Company Summary, ClaimLinx Solution Cost Analysis (Savings Report), and the Active Member Roster Detail.

The ClaimLinx Billing Team is very excited about this change. We think it will increase security and make it easier for administrators to review common billing documents.

When is this change effective?

ClaimLinx will upload all future billing documents to the ClaimLinx Employer Portal starting May 2023. Once you have logged into the portal, you will notice all past reporting from 2023 is already in the portal. This is to make it easier for administrators to see previous billing documents.

How does this affect my company billing?

There is no change to any ClaimLinx billing schedule, payment policies or other processes. This is a change only to how administrators and owners receive the billing documents.

Instead of receiving the documents as an attachment to the invoice, administrators will need login to the Employer Portal to view and/or download them. Now, administrators may also notice a note on invoices directing them to the Employer Portal.

Remember, you can view, download, and comment on documents in the Employer Portal. Administrators can also upload documents. It’s a great way to stay up-to-date and communicate quickly with ClaimLinx.

Why was the change made?

There are two big reasons for this change: security and ease of access.

The ClaimLinx Employer Portal is a secure location to keep documents. Cyber security is a top priority for ClaimLinx. We want to make sure owners’ and their employees’ information is secure. This is a way of ensuring that.

The other reason for this change is to make it easier for administrators to see historical reporting. No one has to save documents separately or search for the emailed invoice. Now, the billing documents will remain in the portal to be reviewed at any time. Administrators also automatically receive an email when new billing documents are uploaded.

We think this change will improve both security and communication with the ClaimLinx Team.

How do I login to the ClaimLinx Employer Portal?

As an administrator or owner, you should already have access to the portal. Click here to sign in.

Administrators and owners have full control over their username and password for the portal. If you have forgotten your password, click the “Forgotten Password” link on the sign in page and it will be reset.

If you have not set up your login, you can request a new invitation email. Send a message to the Service Department at, and they will assist you.

How many people can access the ClaimLinx Employer Portal?

The Employer Portal is for administrators and owners only. It can contain sensitive health information so only designated administrators are allowed access.

However, more than one person can have a login to the portal. Contact the Service Department at if you would like someone added to the portal for your company.

Other billing questions?

If you would like to continue to receive your invoices via email, please make a request by sending a message to

For all other questions, you can always contact the Billing Department directly by starting a chat on the website. Go to to speak with a member of the team. You may also reach someone at the above email or by phone at (513) 677-6262, ext 84.

November 2022 Top Client Savings

The Solution by the numbers

ClaimLinx helps small business save big on health insurance. If you don’t believe us, look at the numbers yourself. See our top saver for November 2022.

This company saved a total of $69,922 in November alone. At the end of the year, this company will have saved an average of $5,054 per employee. They will have added $840,000 to their annual budget. The client will have saved 52% on their health insurance costs.

All of that is without raising the employee contribution AND without raising deductibles or copays.

See how you can save

Click here to fill out a form to schedule a webinar with a qualified consultant. Or contact our Sales Team at or (513) 985-4481.

Happy health insurance member

Health Insurance Member Testimonial Form

We Want to Hear from You!

We are looking for testimonials from members. If you have had a positive experience with ClaimLinx, a member of its staff, or its health insurance consulting services, please fill out the below form.

We appreciate your feedback so we can share some of the great experiences our clients have had with others.

Once you fill out the form, you are automatically entered to win a $100 American Express gift card.

Check out our Testimonials page for other examples.

Happy health insurance client

Health Insurance Client Testimonial Form

We Want to Hear from You!

We are looking for testimonials from our clients. If you have had a positive experience with ClaimLinx, a member of its staff, or its health insurance consulting services, please fill out the below form.

We appreciate your feedback so we can share some of the great experiences our clients have had with others.

Once you fill out the form, you will be automatically entered to win a $100 American Express gift card.

Check out our Testimonials page for other examples.